“We missed the reality and the beauty of the forest because we were diverted by the ugliness of some of its trees.”

- Bill Wilson, The Big Book

About Reprise Recovery

Reprise Recovery is a low intensity residential treatment program that provides substance abuse treatment in a sober living environment. The program includes 6 months of housing and clinical services for clients as part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment.  Clients are supported as they gain skills to improve their physical, mental, emotional, and financial health, with the ultimate goal of becoming self-sufficient and independent.

We are a step-down/aftercare program for clients coming from high-intensity residential treatment or a partial hospitalization program (PHP) to focus more on life skills, with supporting our clients’ to transition back to the community and independent living.

Reprise Recovery employs a team of people who are passionate about helping others gain freedom from drug and alcohol addiction by guiding them in building connections with support groups, friends, family, and schools/workplaces.  Through individual therapy, group therapy, and case management services, Reprise Recovery is committed to addressing all aspects of addiction and its underlying mental health issues in order to enhance one’s chances of maintaining long-term recovery.

Ready to make a change?